Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Bus Information

Bussing Update- August 24, 2023

Parents/caregivers of eligible yellow bus riders,

Lethbridge School Division is working through a new process for registering students for transportation. This new process has presented some unforeseen challenges.  However, regardless of whether an eligible student is registered through this new system or not, ALL eligible students will have a seat on the bus for the start of the school year on Sept. 5.

To find out how to access transportation:Southland Transportation Ltd. has posted the route maps for 2023/2024. Please check the maps that are posted on our website by going to the Transportation tab here: TRANSPORTATION. Have your child at the closest bus stop from your residence at least five minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time.

Registration:The registration process continues as we work through these technicalities. We are eager to implement this registration process to support future transportation planning and appreciate your patience. For the 2023/2024 school year, students eligible for transportation will be able to access transportation, regardless of whether they have registered under the new system or not.

Bussing Information - August 21, 2023

1. The school will be receiving student bus lists from the division shortly. Once we receive the information, Mrs. Giles will contact you with more information.

2. Reminder: If your child is a Montessori student and you live 2.4 Kms or further from Fleetwood Bawden- they are eligible for bus transportation. Mrs. Giles sent an email on August 21, 2023 that contains a form that must be completed and returned ASAP. If you did not receive this email, please contact Mrs. Giles jenn.giles@lethsd.ab.ca.

3. Please contact Mrs. Giles with any bussing questions and ensure you visit the Southland website for the latest route information for the Fleetwood/Agnes Davidson bus schedules.

MyBusStop app

Southland Transportation Ltd.'s MyBusStop app is ready to use. MyBusStop is a GPS tracking service, which delivers real-time information on a subscriber’s bus location, route stops, route traffic, route schedule, route progress and possible bus delays. Information on how to use the app, including detailed instructions, can be found here: https://www.lethsd.ab.ca/transportation/mybusstop-app

School codes are required to use the app. The codes are located on a password-protected page of the Division website here: https://www.lethsd.ab.ca/transportation/mybusstop-app/school-codes

The password is southlandcodes

Please download the app on your phone to receive real-time updates and receive frequent bus updates, traffic conditions and dispatch comments. 

Southland also provides a website-based school bus tracking system called My School Bus Monitor, where parents/caregivers can sign up for email alerts for specific school bus routes. Information on My School Bus Monitor can be found here: https://www.myschoolbusmonitor.ca/Index.aspx