Christine Slomp

Grade 3 (on leave)
My name is Christine Slomp and I am so excited to be back at Fleetwood for my tenth year, my third year of teaching grade 2/3!
I started my teaching career in Calgary thirty years ago. Marrying my husband brought me to this windy city and now twenty-six years later I consider it home.
We have two daughters aged twenty (Rebekah) and seventeen (Hannah). Our household was made complete when ten years ago we welcomed our little dog Lucy who thinks that she is human like the rest of us! We even caught her one day sitting at the table in a chair ready to eat with us – true story
When I am not teaching you will find me outdoors enjoying nature, golfing, camping, hiking and downhill skiing. I also like to read, participate in yoga, and watch Netflix. But most of all I love to sing and dance! I lead worship at church and have been known to break out in song anywhere- the shower, at the table, while walking and even in the hallways at school - so I have been told!
As always, I strive for my classroom to be a place where children discover themselves and celebrate their diversity. Trust, taking risks and feeling comfortable with making mistakes are what I believe are the cornerstones for this to happen and for true learning to occur. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns no matter how small.
I look forward to getting to know all of you. It is going to be a wonderful year!!!!!
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Suess
“Anything is possible, anything can be” - Shel Silverstein