Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

Programs and Services

Breakfast Program
We are very excited to continue our school-wide breakfast program, which is available
to all students, if they chose, during the first 20 minutes of the day. All food options
follow the Canada Food Guide. Fleetwood has a food permit and our kitchen is
inspected regularly. Breakfast Program staff have training and follow all food safety

The Lethbridge Food Bank also provides lunches to students as needed.

Early Literacy
Staff members work with students on targeted literacy instruction. Examples include
reading fluency, comprehension and decoding.

Levelled Literacy Intervention
Levelled literacy intervention is a powerful, short-term intervention that provides daily,
intensive, small-group instruction, which supplements classroom literacy
teaching. LLI can turn struggling readers into successful readers with engaging leveled
books and fast-paced, systematically designed lessons. LLI is taught within classrooms
and in small pullout groups.

Community Connections
A group of educational assistants take a small group of students on regular field trips to
locations throughout Lethbridge, including swimming once a week.

YWCA Groups
YWCA workers facilitate weekly groups in the fall and spring to support a positive sense
of self and mental health.

Clubs/ Leadership
A variety of clubs and authentic leadership opportunities are offered throughout the year.

Speech and Language
Students can be assessed by a Speech and Language Pathologist from Children’s
Allied Health Service at school and receive regular individual support from a trained

Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy
Physical therapists and occupational therapists from Allied Heath work with students
and their support team at school to implement programming.

School Counselling/ Elementary Liaison Counsellor
Our school counsellor provides individual support to students, as well as small and large
group universal instruction/supports to entire classes. The Counsellor also acts as a
liaison between home and school regarding counselling issues and acts with outside
community agencies when a need is identified. The Counsellor is available for
consultation with any student upon request.

First Nations, Métis, Inuit (FNMI) Liaison Worker
We are fortunate to have a FNMI School Liaison Worker scheduled to be in our school
on a part-time basis. The FNMI worker supports staff and students to implement a wide
variety of FNMI programming, supports community partnerships as well as an
increasingly culturally relevant education and learning atmosphere. This staff member
also works alongside the school to support and foster positive relationships with FNMI

Making Connections 
The purpose of the program is to provide mental health promotion, prevention, and
early intervention programming including such services as:
 providing programming and incidental support for children to enable them to build
skills and acquire knowledge;
 developing connections to families;
 organizing programs to build parents’ skills and confidence in their abilities to provide
nurturing, rich environments for their children;
 organizing family functions at the school site;
 organizing leisure activities for students, parents and families;
 liaising families to community resources;
 supporting referrals (phone call, transportation, paper work);
 responding to the needs of families;
 assisting children, their families and the Family Team in accessing appropriate
services when a crisis arises.
Making Connections services are available to all students and families.

Health Nurse
All schools within the Chinook Health Region are assigned a health nurse. Our assigned
nurse has always been an excellent resource for promoting optimal health for staff,
students and families through consultation and collaboration within the school and
community. The role involves a variety of activities and responsibilities, including:
 education support/resources;
 prevention and control of communicable diseases;
 consultation/case conferences/home visits for at risk families;
 liaison/referral to community agencies.

Immunization Program
All Grade 5 students are immunized against Hepatitis B and HPV, which involves a series
of three injections given during the school year. It is necessary that a student return a
signed consent to the school in order to be vaccinated.

School Resource Officer
A school resource officer works with the school to support a safe learning environment
and establish positive relationships with students and families.

Human Sexuality
Lethbridge School District No. 51 trains teachers to deliver a special program on Human
Growth and Development to students in Grades 4 and 5. A notice will come home to
inform parents as to when instruction will occur. If you do not wish for your child to
participate in instruction, we must have written notification of exemption.

Kids in the Know
Lethbridge School District No. 51 provides health units on personal safety and trains
teachers to deliver the units to students in division one and two. The goal of the units is
to help children assume some responsibility for their personal safety by trusting their
feelings, acting assertively and effectively in problem situations, and seeking help from
within their support systems.