Volunteers are a valued part of our team. We are most fortunate and truly grateful for the Fleetwood-Bawden parents and community members who are able to volunteer in various capacities.
In what areas can volunteers help out at Fleetwood-Bawden?
- In classrooms supporting children (reading, assisting with activities, preparation of materials...)
- Helping with special events (classroom or school-wide)
- Giving presentations in areas of interest or specialty to you
- Sharing your culture with students and staff
- Participating in the weekly Reading Volunteer Program
- Helping with our daily breakfast program
- Driving or assisting with field trips
- Supporting school initiatives
- Helping with School Council activities, including hot lunches
How do I get started volunteering?
Please contact your child's teacher or an administrator to find an area that would be a good fit for you. We thank you in advance for supporting our community of learners! All volunteers in Lethbridge School Division are required to fill in a volunteer registration form and provide references. Volunteer drivers need to fill out an additional volunteer driver form.
To apply to become a volunteer for the current year at Fleetwood Bawden school please complete the form located here: https://permission.click/NqOLZ/ca/bJqQ.
To apply to become a volunteer driver for the current year at Fleetwood Bawden school please complete the form located here: https://permission.click/Xp5xb/ca/bJqQ.